Carbon Neutral Congress

55th ISOCARP Congress in Jakarta

Let's make it Carbon Neutral!

Dear 2019 Congress Delegates and Partners,

It's going to be a great Congress in Jakarta and Bogor, the first World Planning Congress in South East Asia. Let's make it a milestone in sustainability! ISOCARP and the Indonesian Association of Planners (IAP) invite you to fully offset your local carbon emissions. If sufficient delegates do this, and if others support this campaign, we will be translating ISOCARP's and IAP's values into action.

 We have joined with World Resources Institute (WRI) Indonesia to measure and offset emissions from all conference-related activities. WRI Indonesia used science and a few assumptions to calculate the emission sources and types. Here are the numbers:

  • TRAIN between CGK airport to Hotel Borobudur to arrive on 9 Sep and depart on 13 Sep: 2.3 kg CO2/person
  • BUS 4.7 kg CO2/person, consisting of:
    • Two-way between Hotel Borobudur to BICC on 9 Sep, assuming 30 passengers/bus
    • One-way for Technical Tours on 9 Sep from Hotel Borobudur to each spot
    • Two-way between Hotel Borobudur to Candi Bentar for Gala Dinner on 12 Sep
  • TAXI between 3 recommended hotels to Hotel Borobudur for 9Sep  until 13 Sep, assuming each take cars: 12.5 kg CO2/person
  • HOTEL room with 20 m2 each stay individually for 8 Sep until 14 Sep: 61.5 kg CO2/person 
  • CONGRESS SESSIONS 24 kg CO2/person, consisting of:
    • IPB CC session electricity, assuming full utilisation of ballroom for 9 Sep
    • Hotel Borobudur electricity, assuming full utilisation of ballroom and various meeting rooms for 10 Sep until 13 Sep (4 days)
  • FOOD, DRINKS, PAPERS & WASTE for 9 Sep until 13 Sep: 46 kg CO2/person
  • Total LOCAL emissions: 151 kg CO2/person

How can we reduce emissions to zero?

ISOCARP and IAP have developed a solution specifically for this World Planning Congress.

If delegates and others donate funds to WRI Indonesia, 100% of the funds will be used for the planting and growing of Toona sureni (Indonesian mahogany) at the Ciliwung watershed nearby Jakarta, the home of this Congress. WRI Indonesia have confirmed that this project sequesters 1 kg of carbon dioxide for each EUR 10 cents invested. This means that, on average, each delegate to the World Planning Congress in Jakarta can offset emissions of 151 kg COby investing EUR 15.10 in the project. Specifically:

  • Reforestation and emission reduction verification processes with Indonesia-specific tree sequestration capacities: 0.1 EUR/kg CO2 or 15.10 EUR/person
  • Fund management and community empowerment: 0.9 EUR/person

Total OFFSET donation: EUR 16 (250,000 IDR) per person.

ISOCARP and IAP invite delegates, sponsors, hosts, Congress partners, and all members of ISOCARP and IAP to help make the Jakarta Congress carbon neutral by donating EUR 16 to the Offset Project. Just click the Donate button here.

What about air travel to the Congress?

For international travel emissions we encourage you to ask your airline or travel agent about the possibilities of offsetting those emissions.

Come and talk to us!

Please visit WRI Indonesia's Carbon Neutral Desk by the Reception area on every day of the Congress to get to know more on this initiative, to learn about ongoing emission reduction projects, and to donate. We accept IDR or EUR cash and credit cards. This invitation is on a voluntary basis, so thank you for considering it, and we look forward to together neutralize carbon of our 55th ISOCARP World Planning Congress in Jakarta!

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