
Plenary Sessions 

Day 1 (9 Sept) Opening Plenary

Indonesian Cities 2045: Metropolitan Region, Spatial Planning, and Infrastructure Supports

Planning the Megacity by Matt Lally, Associate director, ARUP

Day 3 (11 Sept) Plenary Session

Metropolitan Governance by Pedro B. Ortiz, Fellow, George Mason University

Indonesia Spatial Planning in Digital Era by Abdul Kamarzuki, Director General, Indonesian Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning  

Day 4 (12 Sept) Plenary Session

Providing Integrated Urban Infrastructures through Public Private Partnership (PPP) by Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister of Public Works and Housing

Competitive Cities and Spatial Justice by Agnès Deboulet, Professor of Sociology, University of Paris 

Special Sessions

Relocating the National Capital

Relocating the National Capital by the Minister of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS)

Supercities by Alfonso Vergara, Fundacion Metropoli

Capital City Relocations: Lessons for Indonesia by Vadim J. Rossman

Planners for Climate Action (P4CA) - Catalysing and Accelerating Climate Action

Planners for Climate Action by Rogier van den Berg, UN-Habitat

Creating climate and water resilient cities safe and attractive by Bert Smolders, Arcadis   

Climate Change: National Urban Policy and Local Actions in China by Shi Nan

ISOCARP Institute Seminar - Solutions Towards Better Cities

Evolution to Smart Cities by Daniele Vettorato, Eurac Research 

Indonesian Association of Urban and Regional Planners (IAP) Meeting

Indonesian and Chinese Cities: Urban Infrastructures and Spatial Growth Control 

Integrated Planning for Infrastructure Development in Indonesia by Hadi Sucahyono, Ministry of Public Works and Housing Regional Infrastructure Development Agency

Spatial Planning and Development Control in Java Island - Indonesia by Budi Situmorang, Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning  

Track Presentations

Track 1: Limitless cities and urban futures: Planning for scale

ISO82Negotiating Spaces of Exception: Metro Manila's Planned Unit DevelopmentsAnna Katrina Karaan
ISO210Evaluating the Urban Form of a Mountainous City from the Perspective of Compactness Characteristics: Kigali, RwandaIvan Rwampungu, Mishima Nobuo  
ISO212Chinese Megablock Urbanism: a Tool of limitless Urbanization in an Unprecedented Speed and ScaleYixuan Peng, Gerhard Bruyns, Darren Nel  
ISO331The Role of Urban Slums in the Evolution of Megacities; A Case of Nima and Old Fadama, Accra, GhanaEunice Yorgri, Leng Hong  
ISO698The age of Metropolises Metropolitan Management: Governance for Expansion A New ScalePedro Ortiz
ISO76The Value of Less and Small Transforming Metropolitan Doha into Connected, Human and Resilient Urban SettlementsAli Alraouf
ISO425The Spectrum of Metropolitan Areas across the World, and Detection of Potential Metropolitan Areas with Chinese CharacteristicsQing Lu, Liyan Xu, Xiao Peng, Zhen Cai 
ISO104Machine learning for building extraction and Integration of Particle swarm optimization with SLEUTH for Urban growth pattern visualisation for livable citiesAadithyaa JS
ISO360How Big Is Auckland:  Planning a City-Region for Resilience and RegenerationDushko Bogunovich
ISO574Megacity – Mega Challenges: A case of Dhaka City – Capital city of BangladeshSwarna Bintay Kadir, Mohammed Hamidul Hasan
ISO596The role of sprawl towards the megacity. Eastern-European sprawl, the case study of  Bucharest, RomaniaManuela Negrila
ISO195Comparative analysis of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration, Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Bay Area based on gravity modelHuihui Nan, Qing Lu, Qian Zhao
ISO224Multi-scale Spatial System Experiences of Shanghai Mega-city Spatial PlanningWilliam Zuo, Adriano Bisello, Jingbai Wang  
ISO387Space of flow including capital and information shape the megacity groups: based on the example of Chengdu-Chongqing city groups in ChinaShuai Li
ISO555Shaping Compact Cities for Liveability, Affordability and Sustainability (L-A-S) A Comparative Assessment of TODs in Jakarta and AucklandFelicia Atmadja, Dushko Bogunovich  
ISO151Integrating Vertical Farming at Scale in Urban Food Planning - Practical Considerations for PlannersDaniel Petrovics  
ISO137The application of microregeneration strategy in urban renewal in northern Lima, PeruBo Bian
ISO683How to Define the Boundaries of Metropolitan Areas: Case Study of Wuhan, China Li Xu, Wenjing Luo
ISO684The Spatial Strategies of Knowledge Corridors in Megacity Development: Case Study of the Optical Valley Knowledge Corridor, ChinaWenjing, Luo, Zhongyin Song, Li XU
ISO685How to Plan Ahead: Wuhan Metropolis Experiences Wenjing Luo
ISO403Urban parameters analysis and visualization: A support to planning decisions for the definition of urban surface usagesSilvia Croce, Daniele Vettorato
ISO609Smart Growth Approach in Planning in Bogor City InfrastructureLatifah Latifah, Dayinta Pinasthika  
ISO335Smart Cities in India Branded or brain-dead?Vaishali Aggarwal
ISO593Does the implementation of Special Zones of Social Interest (ZEIS) encourages adequate housing? The Case of Sapé, São PauloMariana Reis Santos
ISO702Finding Housing Affordability in MRT Jakarta TOD AreasPutrikinasih Santoso

 Track 2: Besides the megacity and other cities: Planning for balance

ISO2Sustainable development, planning and alleviation of povertyJean-Claude Bolay, Eleonore Labattut  
ISO344The Informal Syndicate Raj:Emerging urban governance challenges in newly incorporated villages of Bidhan Nagar Municipal Corporation, West BengalRatoola Kundu
ISO480The role of food on re-imagining the sustainable city: from the neighbourhood to the region.Teresa Marat-Mendes, Joao Borges  
ISO633Two Thousand New, Million-Person Cities by 2050. We Can Do It!Stephen Goldie
ISO363The City of the Future, a new paradigm, a new vocabularyEsther Vlaswinkel, Minze Walvius
ISO526Settlement development analysis of Malang City peri urban area and its conformity with the regional spatial planMirza Permana
ISO625Defining the Rurban - taking a case of HyderabadSohini Maiti, Satyajit Mal  
ISO467The Anti-citySoumya S Warrier
ISO462The Weak-sided Urban Fringe and the Flexible Planning Approaches: a case study of Yuhuatai District, NanjingZhao Chen, Chunxiao Huang
ISO400A Study on the Approach of Sustainable Development on Traditional Cultural Landscapes Surrounding Metropolitan ShanghaiDianhong Zhao, Ding Shi  
ISO283Deciding Where to Live in The Suburb: Linking Utility-Maximization and Residential Mobility in Polycentric Urban Region ContextErie Sadewo, Delik Hudalah, Ibnu Syabri, Pradono Pradono  
ISO259Building moratorium as a future instrument for tackling unsustainable urban growthIvana Angelova
ISO379From one-way to interactivity Difficulties and Strategies in the Planning of Adjacent Areas of MetropolisLiang He
ISO248Out-Migrate Elites as Rural-Urban Link: an Innovative Pathway Toward Rural Development Around MetropolisTianzhu Liu, Jingsheng Li
ISO65Response path adapted to the unbalanced shrinkage of small towns in metropolitan areas: A case study of Wuhan in ChinaYanqun Li, Hong Geng, Erpeng Shi  
ISO549How to grasp the how to grasp the power of the place: The TELLme Project and Metro-dologyAntonella  Contin, Sandy Jiyoon Kim  
ISO494From formal urbanism to informed spatial practiceJason Hilgefort
ISO140Just Schwerin – Balanced urban-rural development?Thomas Weith, Meike Fienitz  
ISO119Comparative analysis of Indian and South African district planning frameworksTathagata Chatterji

Future Cities: Embracing the Opportunity to Plan for Growth and ChangeGreg Vann, Michael Stott
ISO113Whole-region Tourism Greenway Network Organization Mechanism Based on Gravity Model Flow MeasurementXue Jiang, Tianyu Zhao
ISO111Rural revitalization of Batang village in Guangdong province under the background of balancing urban and rural developmentBin Li, Weihong Guo, Yuqing Zhang  
ISO166Planning Practice in Areas Beyond Megacities under the Rural Revitalisation Strategy in China: Case Study of the New Jijiadun VillageYe Liu, Xiaoyi Wen
ISO611Anticipation Strategy for Urban Conurbation in Semarang - Surabaya CorridorDwitantri Rezkiandini Lestari, Latifah Latifah
ISO162Urbanization Mechanism Study under the Dynamics of State Capital: A Case Study about Northeast China with the Construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway in the Early of 20th CenturyHaixuan Zhu, Sai Liu, Xiaoyu Jia  
ISO408An analysis of the changing role of Istanbul as a megacity in the worldMuhammed Ziya Pakoz, Ahmet Bas, Fatih Eren
ISO120Factors influencing land use conflicts in Patimban Seaport IndonesiaRoni Susman, Thomas Weith  
ISO262A 21st Century National OrdinanceDavid Green, Sulaiman Al Rashad, Paul Knight, Nicole Cammelli  
ISO423The Smaller Town as Component of an Urban Settlement ClusterDerry O'Connell
ISO337Urban Population Growth and the Growth of Towns and Cities in Indonesia: the challenge of non-statutory town developmentParamita Rahayu, Fadjar Mardiansjah, Deden Rukmana  
ISO310The CRISALIDE Project: When innovative planning processes re-balance urban development and create new quality of life using the opportunities provided by the rise of the digital cityPietro Elisei, Elena Batunova, Miruna Draghia  
ISO571Township Development by Private Sector: Lesson Learned from Jakarta Megapolitan AreaDani Muttaqin, Soelaeman  Soemawinata, Adhamaski Pangeran  
ISO316Exploration and practice of formulating strategic planning for rural revitalization in the Shanghai metropolitan area -- take the rural revitalization of Jinxi town in Kunshan as an example QiuYi Jiang, Guoquan Zhang, Xiaoyi Wen  
ISO186Analysis of the Correlation between the Establishment of Rural Land Share Cooperatives around Shanghai and the Government & Villager Satisfaction - A Case Study of Jinxi Town, Kunshan CityYi Li


Track 3: Liveable places and healthy cities: Planning for people 

ISO136Importance of air quality management for public health and development progress in Jakarta, IndonesiaLynn Tang, Vivian Pun, Ririn Radiawati  
ISO110The Implementation of Children Friendly City in DKI Jakarta through Assessment of Children Friendly Integrated Public SpaceDhea  Andriani, Indarti Komala Dewi, Janthy Trilusianthy Hidayat  
ISO165Realising the potentials of a design-dividend towards a lovable urban futureGregor Mews
ISO246Outdoor public space activities characteristics of children and their inter-generational parents and design strategies from the health perspective: A case study in Harbin, ChinaRan Guo
ISO271Children-friendly design of Urban public space:based on the study of shanghai, ChinaShuai Li  
ISO364The Importance of Participation and Inclusion in African UrbanizationConstant Cap
ISO354Association between Neighborhood Built Environment and Body Mass Index among Chinese Adults: Hierarchical Linear ModelMengqi Zhong, Yuanyi Shen, Yifan Yu  
ISO605Health and the city: creating built form and planning for the physically activeSławomir Ledwoń
ISO515Building Indian neighbourhoods to thrive in: Guidelines for planning, design, and policy for infants, toddlers + their caregivers in IndiaRushda Majeed, Patrin Watanatada  

The city from the perspective of babies, toddlers and their caregiversRushda Majeed

A Walkable Neighborhood: The Voice of Women & ChildrenInstitute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP)

Safe Access to Schools, BandungWorld Resources Institute (Ross Centre)
ISO323Neighborhood Environment and the Elderly's Subject Well-beingXuhui Liu, Yu Yifan, Xin Sui
ISO177Research on the build of Healthy Walking System for Urban Central Business District: A Case Study of Jiangbeizui CBD in Chongqing, ChinaCheng Peng, Jingsheng Li  
ISO38Exploring automobile dependency of housing estate residents and kampung dwellersFenita Indrasari
ISO79The definition of accessible routes on sidewalks: a new challenge for Brazilian cities Fernando Caetano, Jeronimo Meira, Suzi Rodrigues  
ISO449The Pedestrians' Stories: Towards Walkable Cities in Indonesia Laksmi Tungga Dewi Jaya,  Wisnu Wardani, Natalia Tanan  
ISO491Planning Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) in an African City Facing Rapid and Informal Urban Growth: the Case of the Urban Mobility Plan of Conakry, GuineaSebastien Goethals  
ISO434Strategies on Healthy Urban Planning & Construction for Challenges of Rapid Urbanization in ChinaChengcheng Liu
ISO407Sustainable Urban Development: Building Healthy Cities in Indonesia Daniel Mambo Tampi, Linda  Darmajanti, Irene Sondang Fitrinitia  
ISO610IAP's Indonesia Most Livable City Index (MLCI): A Perception-Based Survey to Measure City Livability IndexDayinta Pinasthika, Puteri Rizqi Amelia, Elkana Catur Hardiansah, Adriadi Dimastanto  
ISO500Better places for a liveable - and lively - city: a method of Post-Occupancy Evaluation of public spacesGabriela De Souza Tenorio
ISO250Developing a Spatial Transformation Scoring Tool to Monitor South African Catalytic Housing ProjectsRaeesa  Ghoor, Keneilwe  Pholo, Karishma  Busgeeth  

Public Space & Public life: Kota kita's experience in Indonesian citiesAhmad Rifai
ISO608Improving the quality of public space in Bogor City through CSR funding schemeAdriadi Dimastanto, Rachmatika Fitri Insani Tanjung, Tri Saptiwi  
ISO52Urban morphology and behavior mapping in Abu Dhabi's public spaces: informality as an interaction of cultural context and urban formApostolos Kyriazis
ISO116Analysing the perceptions of the elderly on space vitality and related environmental factors based on residential communityHang Sui, Dongfeng Yang  
ISO164Empirical study on the evaluation of publicness of public space: taking Chinese megacity as the caseJuan Li, Anrong Dang  
ISO493Liveable and just public space - Conceptual approach to urban walkability on the case of Ljubljana, SloveniaMatej Niksic
ISO188Secondary cities and forced migration: accommodating refugees and asylum seeker in IndonesiaAkino Tahir, Risye Dwiyani, Saut Sagala, Nino Viartasiwi  
ISO420Study on Community Planning Strategy of Demolition and Resettlement Amid UrbanizationFujun Xia
ISO88695A Dream of open defecation free India? Decolonise and innovate urban sanitation to reach those left behindMahak Agrawal  
ISO527Hunger in revered spaces: Exploring the impact of planning on the university campus food system in South AfricaRouve Bingle


Track 4: Knowledge economies and identity: Planning for culture

ISO699The Power of Culture in Creative Placemaking for Future Urban EconomyEhsan Ranjbar
ISO252Humanistic Technology of Urban Design of Historical Blocks in HarbinDian Zhang, Suning Xu
ISO435Inheritance and Development of Traditional Minority Culture in Southwest China: A Case Study of Miao, Dong and Dai NationalitiesLin Chen
ISO456An Awkward Dance Nightlife and Urban Development-Lessons from BerlinBenjamin Scheerbarth
ISO567Cultural sensitive approach in water management for a volcanic river basin of Yogyakarta Metropolitan AreaVicky Ariyanti
ISO45Underground4Value Underground Built Heritage as catalyser for Community ValorisationGiuseppe Pace
ISO550Activation and Revitalization The Revival Plan of Yihe, Nanjing Luni Shen
ISO564A City Branding Framework in Planning: The Case Study of Pringsewu Lampung, IndonesiaCitra Persada, Yunita Kesuma, Fadhilah Rusmiati  
ISO682Improving the identity of historic city by considering hydraulic infrastructure (the case study: Qazvin city) Nasim Iranmanesh
ISO9Culture capital of the Turkic WorldRoman Pomazan, Alexandr Khvan  

Beyond Heritage: Cultural Sharing and CommunicationZhizhao Liu

Beyond Heritage: Culture as Urban Renewal ResourceMatt Benson
ISO182Essence of Urban form and its Relationship with Urban Aesthetics: A case from Rajshahi City, BangladeshFerdous Farhana Huq, Imzamam Ul Khan  Shuvo, Nidalia Islam  
ISO349Revitalizing historic urban quarters by Cityscape-control planXiaoxiao Deng, Dihao Zhang, Shuang Yan
ISO559Healthy City versus Resilient Planning Paradigm: Case Study of New City Centre in Lodz, PolandMałgorzata Hanzl, Lia Maria Bezerra  
ISO85The Road of Rebirth--Place making in Bidur from the Perspective of Cultural LandscapeWeisi Zhou, Wei Xiong, Qi  Hong  
ISO15Cultural Heritage Conservation and the Sustainability of City's Orderly Development: identification, conservation and construction of historic space Qinglian Wang, Zhiqing Zhao, Bocheng Zhang  
ISO311Forward Thinking on Culturally Urban Imprint in the Contemporary Era  Rejuvenating the Traditional Neighbourhood Values and Characters:   An Urban Morphology Review on Qatari Cities Harini Septiana
ISO336Informal entrepreneurs in old districts in central city ShanghaiQi Shen
ISO573Community capacity for creativity-based rural development in a developing country: Case studies from IndonesiaTubagus Furqon Sofhani, Fikri  Zul Fahmi, Dika Fajri  Fiisabiilillah, Brigitta Sadnya Wulandari
ISO87Research on Online Public Participation and Platform Construction of Historical Block Protection in Data AgeYang Yang, Jilong Zhao, Qian Sun
ISO497Old Deira, Dubai: The Role of Culture, Identity and Planning in a Global CityPeter Starr
ISO345Recycling industrial heritage: promoting local diversity and cohesion in globalising citiesMilan Sijakovic, Ana Peric  

Track 5: Smart futures and sustainability: Planning for innovation

ISO228Re-thinking the city: Basaksehir Living Lab (Case of Istanbul) Ozge Celik, Ozhan Ertekin  
ISO510The Stardust Smart City Project in TrentoDaniele Vettorato, Adriano Bisello  
ISO640Presenting the prospects for Ropeway Implementation as a Public Transport Mode, the case of MoscowAndrey Borisov
ISO701Reinventing the City Centre: Implementation Strategies for TOD Concept in Existing Built Environment in JakartaPutrikinasih Santoso
ISO703Switching to a sustainable auto-rickshaw system (Namma Auto Project)  Sugandha Pal, Palak Thakur
ISO126The Framework Research on building energy efficiency in urban planning: Integrated Visioning Based on Agent-based modelling and Spatial Analysis approachYu Sun, Hong Leng, Wei  Tian  
ISO256The Goldilocks Zone for the public sector innovation: Teresina 2030 towards resilience to climate change in the developing world Mariana  Fiuza, Gabriela  Uchoa, Flavia Maia  
ISO447Improving Space Structure of Traditional Resources-Based Citie`s Transformation in a Background of Supply-Side reform: a Case Study of Yantai City of Shandong Province Dianhong Zhao
ISO257People, Places, Memories and Mobile Apps: Understanding the Potential of Augmented Reality in Public Participation and Community Development Ming-Chun Lee
ISO342Measuring Visual Quality of Street Space Based on Deep Learning and Street View Picture: Pilot in The Linong Area in ShanghaiQinglai Zhang, Jiatian Bu, Yifan Yu
ISO445Smart Cities and The People: Urban Planning Collectives in Indonesian CitiesDian Hasanuddin
ISO514The latest generation of European smart city projects: turning "clean energy for all" into "clear benefits for all"Daniele Vettorato, Adriano Bisello  
ISO129Comprehensive Evaluation and Dynamic Evolution Analysis of Shanghai's Urban VulnerabilityTian Qin
ISO132Urban living environment assessment index system based on psychological securityHuiyi Xia, Nankai Xia
ISO362Measurement of spatial equity : a case study of nursing institutionXuhui Liu, Xin Sui, Yu Yifan  
ISO479Habitat 5.0 - Towards affordable and sustainable housing in the developing world: A pattern- and block chain-based approachSilja Tillner, Eva Maria Kuehn  
ISO130The Shift Towards Smart Cities in Southeast Asian Cities: The Role of Urban GovernanceThibault Pilsudski
ISO19697Smart city and regenerative city – complementary or contradictory approachesDorota Kamrowska-Zaluska
ISO46Smart cities in Qatar Vision for the futureJassim Al-Sorour, Noor Alamri
ISO541Big data based assessment on metropolisation processes in PolandHanna Obracht-Prondzyńska
ISO176Smart Signals in heterogeneous traffic conditionsMayank Dubey  
ISO251Investigation about tourism image optimization of Lugu lake scenic area based on internet reviews Le Dong, Chen Xu, Baolu Chen  
ISO343Spaces of becoming- Space shapes public and public (re)shapes their own spaces Vaishali Aggarwal
ISO48Urban Planning in a Mediatized World, case of Egypt Mennatullah Hendawy

Providing Lighting to Communities – The Jakarta Smart Street Lighting Project Wibawa Jati Kusuma

A Multi-Scale Approach of Polycentric Development and Infrastructure in Megacities, a Perspective from Urban China
Sébastien Goethals

Track 6: Changing environment and risks: Planning for resilience

ISO542360cityscan: integrated solutions to face urban challenges A balanced approach towards Cities and Sustainable Urban DevelopmentMattias Vansteenwegen, Etienne Drouet  
ISO302Systems' approach: Climate change, glacier melt and development planning of the Himalayan regionRamya Sakkeri, Devadas V  
ISO464Flood resilience planning for Disaster prone  Panchayaths. A case of  Karumaaloor Panchayath in Ernakulam District, Kerala Priyanjali Prabhakaran, Suja Kartha
ISO470Determining urban flood vulnerability using an indicator-based approach and HAZUS-MHTanaya Sarmah, Sutapa Das  
ISO19Research on the Spatial Effect of Urban Construction on Heat Island Effect in Shanghai Based on Remote Sensing DataShuo Zhang
ISO68Green and blue infrastructure to regulate thermal comfort in high density city planning: A case of Navi Mumbai, India Adinarayanane Ramamurthy, Anusha Roy  
ISO16Effects of ongoing infrastructure improvements in relation to planning policy for flood resilience and historic urban morphological development in JakartaDavid Mathewson
ISO159Changed precipitation patterns and the need for a novel approach to building plot planning: The lessons learnt in the sub-alpine climate zone of Slovenia
Matej Niksic, Jernej Cervek  
ISO286Promoting Water Resilience in Semarang: Building a Coalition through the Water as Leverage (WaL) ProgramWiwandari Handayani, Barry Beagen, Santy  Paulla Dewi  
ISO469Spatial planning and design for food security; Building Positive Rural-urban LinkagesAishwarya Talluri
ISO648The Stakeholders & Stakeholder Network's Role in Sustaining the Renewable Energy System in Sumba IslandNiken Prilandita, Saut Sagala, Jeeten Kumar, Teresa Retno Arsanti  
ISO649Community responses to displacement threats in flood prone areas. The case of Ciliwung River, JakartaAnastasia Widyaningsih
ISO242Urban Design Study of Resilient City in Greater Bay AreaPeijun Lu, Yimin Sun, Bilin Chen, Sheng Xia  
ISO38696Resilient Infrastructure Framework of China Coastal CitiesShuang Zheng, Xiaowen Huang  
ISO451Challenges of Spatial Planning in Coastal Regions of Bangladesh: A Case for ChalnaMuhammad Shamsuzzaman
ISO496Research on Strategies of Low-impact Urban Design in ChinaCong Cao, Suning Xu  
ISO125Capacity and Trade: Alliance for Green ActionsTuan Manh, Julia Babcock, Hien Bui, Thi Khanh Nguy  
ISO50Mind the gap: Stakeholders perspective on resilience building in the City of RotterdamTheresa Audrey Esteban
ISO509Reimagining Pamba; Sustainable design strategies for Sabarimala PilgrimageRahul V

Track 7: Urban governance and planning profession: Planning for future

ISO495Integrated Metropolitan Governance Framework  for the GCC Future MetropolisKhaled Abdellatif
ISO523Dynamics of public urban waterfront regeneration in Istanbul, the case of Halic Shipyard ConservationSerin Geambazu
ISO562Breaking through rigid administrative boundaries - synergies in 'soft' spaces of cooperationSindi Haxhija, Karina Carius De Barros  
ISO588Practical point of view: preparation of the National Urban Policy FrameworkZivile Simkute
ISO691Towards effective planning of transborder city regions: three Australian case studiesDaniel O'Hare
ISO198Planning and Management Experiences of Global Metropolitan Area —A Lesson of New York Metropolitan Area, Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Paris Metropolitan Area, and London Metropolitan AreaHuihui Nan
ISO621Developing the regulations for rapid urban growth: the new centres of the Doha metropolis, Qatar Slawomir Ledwon, Fatma Al Bader, Noora Al-Suwaidi  
ISO318Infrastructure Imbalance, Financial Investment and AIIB's Role: Non-state Actor in Regional GovernanceXiangyi Meng, Taofang Yu
ISO372Fixing the wrongs against 'rights' in Kalyani (India): slum sanitation, land tenure, a municipality and the state Tathabrata Bhattacharya
ISO461Innovative tools for managing the metropolisEric Huybrechts
ISO47Visual Communication and the Mediatized City: From Billboards to Offices of Urban Planning in CairoMennatullah Hendawy
ISO84Beyond the plan: Building in-house capacity to plan, design, and implement urban and territorial transformations, Case of Castries Vision 2030 Haward Wells, Frank D'hondt  
ISO98Democratic Urbanism: A Method for City-BuildingJoel Mills, Erin Simmons  
ISO152Using MetroHUBRemy Sietchiping  

Paris Metropolitan GovernanceEric Huybrechts

Jakarta Metropolitan Area: Challenges and EffortsOswar Mungkasa
ISO103Towards a New Paradigm in City Branding The Case of Doha, QatarAli Alraouf
ISO513Making TOD Implementable in Indian Cities From Theory to PractiseJyoti Vijayan Nair
ISO600Decentralisation and Devolution in Growing Megacities: Case of Bangalore, India Ananya Ramesh, Nirupama M Vidyarthi  
ISO658Mapping institutions and actors in urban coastal management of Jakarta's BayArif Gandapurnama, Irene Sondang, Ahmad Zubair, Nala Hutasoit  
ISO261Metropolitan governance in Southern Europe: working across sectors and boundariesJosé Álvaro Antunes Ferreira, Joana Almeida, Pedro Pinto  

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