Company / Institute
Gdansk University of Technology
Track 4: Knowledge economies and identity: planning for culture
Head of the Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning
I'm interested in
City and Regional Planning
Heritage and Conservation
Land use Planning and Management
Landscape, Architecture and Urban Design
Piotr Lorens is an architect and urban planner, full professor and Head of the Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning at the Faculty of Architecture, Gdansk University of Technology. His professional interests include urban design and development issues with a special focus on regeneration of distressed sites. He was involved in design and development of numerous urban regeneration schemes, including planning for transformation of Gdansk waterfront. Piotr is also serving as consultant and expert in numerous planning and development projects. Recently He was playing the role of the Head of Gdansk Master Plan Commission, appointed by the Mayor of Gdansk, as well as an expert of the Polish Ministry of Development. His research and professional issues include also dealing with local identity and heritage within the urban transformation processes, shaping urban public spaces systems as well as dealing with social, economic and legal aspects of urban transformation.
Besides academic and professional appointments, Piotr is also active member of ISOCARP (Vice President YPP Program within years 2011-2017) and Society of Polish Town Planners (currently – Chairman of the Society Board). In addition, Piotr is member of ICOMOS and TICCIH. He also plays the role of the Chairman of the Urban and Metropolitan Areas Group, Committee for Spatial Economy and Regional Planning, Polish Academy of Sciences.
Speaking Engagement
1. Second Plenary -
09 Sep, 2019
16:00 | Speech: Mobility and Metropolis - Cable Car SystemsMarc Funda, Transport Planner, Doppelmayr16: 10 | Speech: Empowering Smart Cities with Con...
2. Closing Plenary -
12 Sep, 2019
16:00 | Congress Summary by the General Rapporteur and the Congress Team Martina Juvara, Director, URBAN SilenceLuo Wenjing, Urban Planner, Wuhan Pla...