
PLEASE NOTE: The instructions below are only for authors of accepted abstracts. Unfortunately, we cannot accept any abstracts anymore. 

Please find below the instructions for the submission process. The requirements depend on your selected type of submission. If you do not remember your submission type, you can find your submission type in your acceptance letter. For further information, please refer to the Congress Policy. The deadlines are:

Extended Deadline: 11 July 2019 (10 PM UTC): Full paper (or presentation) submission

Extended Deadline: 11 July 2019 (10 PM UTC): Final date for authors to register and pay in order to be included in the Congress Programme and Proceedings

31 August 2019 (10 PM UTC): Final presentation and summary slide submission

Submission type "Paper"

You have to submit a full paper until 30 June 2019 to present your work at the Congress. Use our template and follow the guidelines. After the submission of the paper, you have to submit a presentation and summary slide until 31 August 2019. Please have a look at the presentation guidelines, as well as the reference template for the presentation (not mandatory) and for the summary slide (mandatory).

Submission type "Case study/research project"

If you submitted an abstract for a case study or research project, you do not have to submit a full paper. However, we highly recommend submitting one and it will be included in the congress proceedings. If you decide to submit a paper, you can follow the instructions above. If you do not want to submit a paper, you have to submit an initial outline of your presentation until 30 June 2019 to present your work at the Congress. This will help the Congress Team to prepare coherent sessions. You can revise this later. After the submission of the presentation draft, you have to submit the final presentation and summary slide until 31 August 2019. Please read the presentation guidelines, as well as the reference template for the presentation (not mandatory) and mandatory summary slide template.

Submission type "Session Proposal"

The submissions for session proposals will be handled differently. The Congress Team will get in touch with the session organisers directly and inform about the length, format, and schedules. You do not have to submit anything through the normal submission process.

How to submit

In order to submit, please first log in and then select "My Abstracts" in your dashboard. Afterwards, click the title of the abstract which you want to upload your submission for. Next, change your submission type to either Full Paper or Draft Presentation. This will show the upload field where you can upload your file. We will inform you about the procedure to submit the final presentation and summary slide soon.

If you have any questions, please contact us via

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