Sep 12, 2019 11:30 AM - 01:00 PM(Europe/Amsterdam)
20190912T113020190912T1300Europe/Amsterdam5.7 Cities and Digitisation: Perspectives and Challenges of Data Informed Urban Planning & Design (Special Session)
Based on the outcomes of the ISOCARP-SEU International Digital Urban Design Week that happened in June 2019 in Nanjing, the special session will be chaired by Southeast University of China and Pr Junyan Yang. After having presented the results of the digital urban design week in Nanjing, the three speakers (Sebastien Goethals, Fedor Kudryatsev and Junyan Yang) will discuss the perspectives, impacts and future challenges of urban studies, planning and design disciplines under the angle of digitization, big data, Internet of Things and blockchain communities, with practical examples in Chinese cities, as well as in Russia, Europe, America and Africa.
An open debate with the audience will then follow the three presentations.
Presentation Speakers:
Junyan Yang, Professor of School of Architecture, Southeast UniversitySebastien Goethals, Director of Technical Assistance to Cities and Regions, ISOCARPFedor Kudryavtsev, Associate Professor, Moscow Institute of Architecture
Yi Zheng, PhD of School of Architecture, Southeast UniversityHongyang Wang, Professor of Nanjing University (to be confirmed)Hotel Borobudur Jakarta (Sumba A)55th ISOCARP World Planning Congress in Jakarta/Bogor,
Based on the outcomes of the ISOCARP-SEU International Digital Urban Design Week that happened in June 2019 in Nanjing, the special session will be chaired by Southeast University of China and Pr Junyan Yang. After having presented the results of the digital urban design week in Nanjing, the three speakers (Sebastien Goethals, Fedor Kudryatsev and Junyan Yang) will discuss the perspectives, impacts and future challenges of urban studies, planning and design disciplines under the angle of digitization, big data, Internet of Things and blockchain communities, with practical examples in Chinese cities, as well as in Russia, Europe, America and Africa.
An open debate with the audience will then follow the three presentations.
Presentation Speakers:
Junyan Yang, Professor of School of Architecture, Southeast University
Sebastien Goethals, Director of Technical Assistance to Cities and Regions, ISOCARP
Fedor Kudryavtsev, Associate Professor, Moscow Institute of Architecture
Yi Zheng,PhD of School of Architecture, Southeast University
Hongyang Wang, Professor of Nanjing University (to be confirmed)
Cities and Digitization: Perspectives and Challenges of the Smart City Technologies on Urban Planning and DesignView Abstract Session Proposal5: Smart futures and sustainability: planning for innovation11:30 AM - 01:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2019/09/12 09:30:00 UTC - 2019/09/12 11:00:00 UTC
Cities have recently witnessed the emergence of connected objected and advanced technologies that are going to have an increasing influence on city planning and design as well as urban studies. Cities are mostly defined by their complexity. Megacities are characterized by millions of daily human flows and activities driven by individual and collective decision-making. From this approach, how can urban environment be improved for people’s daily life? And how can healthier and smarter services for citizens and public space users be provided and be translated into urban planning and design applications? Based on the outcomes of the international digital urban design workshop happening in June 2019 (co-organized by Southeast University of China and ISOCARP), the session will put in perspective the future challenges of urban planning and design disciplines under the angle of digitization. Three professors will be invited to present their research on the topic and the outcomes of the digital design week in Nanjing. An interactive discussion with the public will follow then. During the first part of the session, Mr. Yi Zheng will introduce the session topic and present the results of the Nanjing International Digital Urban Design Week. Pr. Junyan Yang (Southeast University of China) will then speak about the relation between digitization, public space and urban design. The session will highlight the impacts of the digital transition on emerging urban planning and design approaches, and illustrate how our understanding of the city is changing with big data. The question on how to make cities healthier and more sustainable through smart technologies will be raised, taking a few cities and megacities as references and Nanjing as a case study. Several digital urban design samples will be shared to the public in order to inspire its participation in the last part of the session. Pr Simon Marvin (Director of the Urban Institute, University of Sheffield) will give a presentation about robotization of production, smart city services in our urban environment, applied to digitization and AI (Artificial Intelligence) and daily life of people in the city. The question on how the urban environment could be (re-)designed to match with smart objects and applications will be introduced at the end of its presentation. Pr Michael Tomeldan (University of the Philippines) will present then a general view on urban issues in Southeast Asian megacities, in relation with digitization and its perspectives in the region. The public will be invited to discuss the current transformations of traditional urban lifestyles and potential responses by urban planners, considering the challenges brought by big data and digital technologies.
Presenters Junyan YANG Professor, Southeast University, China Co-Authors