Local fees

Please find below the different local fee categories. Only Indonesian residents are eligible for these fees. The local fees are administered by the Local Organising Committee. For international tickets, please click here.

Local Congress
Registration Fees
Early Bird
(prior to 11 July 2019)
Regular Fee
(11 July 2019 and later)
Fees include
(check your membership status)
IDR 2.500.000IDR 3.250.000Participation, lunches & coffee breaks
(join ISOCARP)
IDR 3.250.000IDR 4.000.000Participation, lunches & coffee breaks
Young Planning Professional
(only for workshops participants)
IDR 1.500.000IDR 2.250.000Congress entrance, lunches & coffee breaks
Single Day
IDR 1.600.000Participation, lunch, coffee breaks
Accompanying Person
IDR 2.500.000Social events, receptions, no congress entry
Group (10 people +)

Disc. 10%
Gala Dinner
Free*Registrations before 25 August will be reimbursed.
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